In memoriam donations

As an alternative to wreaths and flowers, you may also request that in memoriam donations be made to a charitable organisation instead.

Candle is lit

A death is always a painful loss. If you have accessed this webpage as a surviving family member, we give you our heartfelt condolences.

Social commitment in place of flowers

As an alternative to wreaths and flowers, you may also request that a charitable organisation be supported in memory of the person who has passed away instead. By making an in memoriam donation to the Foundation aha! Swiss Allergy Centre, you are giving hope to those with allergies and intolerances. You are sending a signal in terms of prevention and health promotion and supporting our commitment to the well-being and interests of allergy sufferers.

The person who has passed away may already have expressed the wish that an in memoriam donation be made to our foundation or that you as the surviving family members opt for social commitment in place of flowers. There are two ways in which in memoriam donations can be made:

Note in the obituary

  1. Give our donation account number in the obituary/funeral leaflet.

    For example:
    "In place of flowers, you can make a donation in memory of first name family name to the Foundation aha! Swiss Allergy Centre, Post Office account 30-11220-0 or IBAN CH07 0900 0000 3001 1220 0, giving the first and family names of the person in memory of whom the donation is being made."
  2. Notify us of the name of the person who has passed away and the address of the bereaved family either by e-mail or by telephone at +41 31 359 90 00

For those making an in memoriam donation, please note that we forward your contact details to the surviving relatives so that they may personally thank you for your support. We do not mention the amount donated but only provide them with your name and contact details. We also inform the family of the total amount donated for them to see the extent of the condolences expressed. Your privacy is important to us and we can assure you that the information provided will be used solely to allow the family to give their thanks.

Collection at the funeral service

You can arrange for a collection to be made at the funeral service on behalf of the Foundation aha! Swiss Allergy Centre. The collected money can then be transferred to our donation bank account by yourself or the  church administration. Please give the name of the person who has passed away and the address of the bereaved family so that we can confirm receipt of the donation and express our gratitude.

Bank details: Post Office account 30-11220-0 or Iban CH07 0900 0000 3001 1220 0
Reference: In memory of first name/family name of the person who has passed away
Sender: address of the bereaved family


aha! Allergiezentrum Schweiz - Helfen Sie - Testamente und Legate - Natasha Stirnimann beantwortet Ihre Fragen

Natasha Stirnimann
Fundraising – In memoriam donations
+41 31 359 90 24

As the person handling in memoriam donations at the Foundation aha! Swiss Allergy Centre, I will gladly answer any questions you may have.

A Foundation with the ZEWO seal – your donation is in good hands

The Foundation aha! Swiss Allergy Centre has been a member of the ZEWO Foundation, a Swiss certification body for non-profit organisations that collect donations, since 2003. The ZEWO seal certifies that your donation is duly received and used efficiently to good effect. For more information.